The contents of PyPI, in numbers

Total files
1.34 Billion
94,637,281 unique
Total lines of text
425 Billion
425,014,964,724 to be precise
Total uncompressed size
77.2 TiB
That is ~57,810,875.926 floppy disks
Lines of code added per second
In the month 2024-04-01

This page contains a breakdown of the contents of PyPI from parsing the contents of packages. You can download PyPI locally to do your own analysis or run SQL queries on the data in your browser

Project Contents

This data only counts unique projects, not versions. e.g if a project has published 10 versions in a month, each with a file, it will only be counted once.

Language Features

This data only counts unique projects, not versions. e.g if a project has published 10 versions in a month, each containing an async function, it will only be counted once.


list comp226,07249
generator expression121,22926
dict comp89,23219
set comp21,7465
async comp1,0640
try star220

Secrets Detected

PyPI contains a lot of secrets.
Google API Key5,140
OpenAI API Key3,977
Tencent Cloud Secret ID2,497
Amazon AWS Secret Access Key1,913
Amazon AWS Access Key ID1,610
Google Cloud Private Key ID1,235
Slack API Token1,104
Telegram Bot Token1,056
Slack Incoming Webhook URL909
PyPI API Token840
Google OAuth Access Token767
SendGrid API Key758
Tencent WeChat API App ID731
Mailgun API Key728
Twilio Account String Identifier699


11.06 million


1.3 billion

PyPI is growing fast. If this dangerous expansion not stopped, our advanced machine learning models predict that in only 8 years the number of packages will outnumber human beings.

Witness this inevitable future

Binary files

This shows a breakdown of the binary files on PyPI, by extension. Binary files are the vast majority of the content on PyPI, accounting for nearly 75% of the uncompressed size.

extensiontotal filestotal sizeunique files
.so8,687,89127.3 TiB4,778,271
.pyd2,152,1744.9 TiB1,963,691
.dylib1,426,0564.3 TiB444,604
.2180,9443.4 TiB22,305
No extension5,660,4132.6 TiB1,966,694
.dll1,647,2572.5 TiB460,647
.0785,2831.7 TiB78,611
.jar573,8311.1 TiB52,924
.1384,136659.9 GiB49,300
.png27,516,507606.3 GiB849,516
.lib144,415545.9 GiB41,223
.exe241,942544.9 GiB64,378
.gz4,703,652449.1 GiB686,672
.tgz366,338413.0 GiB167,764
.a186,255400.0 GiB87,793
Total54,657,09451.4 TiB11,714,393

Largest Projects by size

Tensorflow dominates this list with 12.7 TiB of uncompressed data, 17% of all data on PyPI.
project nameunique filestotal filestotal linestotal size
tf-nightly129,21546,315,15019,856,968,7734.6 TiB
tf-nightly-cpu104,09528,637,01811,904,036,1352.5 TiB
lalsuite2,018,32612,382,8535,720,346,4261.4 TiB
tf-nightly-gpu71,11911,976,6574,945,537,3521.4 TiB
fbgemm-gpu-nightly2,57742,4428,495,1251.1 TiB
tf-nightly-cpu-aws62,01413,076,0565,130,252,0531.0 TiB
tensorflow109,9458,757,3273,369,233,736965.7 GiB
paddlepaddle-gpu33,9762,072,060453,389,542921.7 GiB
graphscope-client39,5692,411,953283,344,267874.1 GiB
tf-nightly-intel121,26311,421,4334,815,169,555783.0 GiB
tensorflow-io-nightly14,020927,623116,109,192742.5 GiB
tensorflow-gpu83,9324,284,4141,578,633,349639.2 GiB
catboost-dev32,526256,62066,348,683582.2 GiB
tf-nightly-macos30,5616,141,1212,881,268,907575.1 GiB
tensorflow-cpu62,7435,527,0312,182,125,715533.4 GiB
Total2,915,881154,229,75863,311,258,81018.5 TiB

Stats By Extensions

This only considers the last suffix of the file path as the extension
extensiontotal filestotal linestotal sizeunique files
.py579,712,261153,356,416,7295.6 TiB36,680,871
.h124,322,58037,128,020,6531.4 TiB799,790
No extension70,203,8949,820,402,9603.1 TiB18,336,225
.json66,369,41928,880,361,1381.4 TiB1,818,976
.hpp49,316,13410,453,305,816419.8 GiB310,834
.txt44,001,61820,108,564,461763.0 GiB3,680,483
.js35,220,20714,596,284,0561.3 TiB1,558,546
.png27,555,788912,906606.4 GiB851,618
.rst24,491,5271,523,098,55558.1 GiB1,299,534
.pyi22,590,9304,292,004,708141.6 GiB546,438
.svg21,588,0611,515,287,586194.5 GiB405,296
.yaml17,213,6081,548,254,75555.5 GiB407,578
.html17,032,7733,381,212,981248.8 GiB1,704,518
.md14,451,3771,406,942,33852.8 GiB1,514,999
.pyc11,856,220276,69079.3 GiB5,503,417
Total1,125,926,397288,011,346,33215.3 TiB75,419,123